Minggu, 02 Juli 2017

Struktur dan Contoh membuat Jurnal Bahasa Inggris

Struktur jurnal:
  1. Abstract/Abstrak;
  2. Introduction/pendahuluan;
  3. Result and discussion/ hasil dan diskusi;
  4. Conclusion/kesimpulan;
  5. References/referensi.
Mekanisme menulis jurnal:
  • Ukuran kertas A4;
  • Margin 4-3-3-3 (kiri 4);
  • Ukuran tulisan isi 12
  • Ukuran tulisan table 10
  • Spasi single atau disesuaikan
  • Tanda baca sesuai aturan.
Ket: setiap universitas bisa berbeda pengaturannya
Spesifikasi artikel jurnal:
  • Introduction/pendahuluan → berisi penjelasan masalah yang ingin ditemukan melalu penelitian dimulai dari bahasan umum hingga ke pokok masalah.
  • Result/Hasil jurnal → isi dimulai dari data yang dikumpulkan sampai jawaban yang ditemukan untuk menjawab research question, termasuk hasil dari analisis data.
  • Discussion/Diskusi jurnal
  1. Berisi informasi temuan penelitian yang menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana dan mengapa;
  2. Berisi informasi temuan penelitian yang sesuai dengan teori yang sudah ada;
  3. Berupa informasi temuan penelitian yang sesuai dengan temuan lain yang serupa.
  • Kesimpulan 
  1. Berisi opini atau pendapat tentang temuan penelitian bukan faktanya penelitian;
  2. Saran: opini/ pendapat tentang penelitian yang lebih lanjut atau selanjutnya.
  3. Opini tentang pengaplikasian/ penerapan hasil temuan penelitian.

Contoh Jurnal Bahasa Inggris :

Contoh jurnal berikut sudah disesuaikan (dipotong) agar tidak terlalu banyak dan panjang namun mewakili keseluruhan:
Nama penulis, pembimbing 1, pembimbing 2
Email: penulis
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan authentic materials dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pada SMAN 8 Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam satu kelas dan mengaplikasikan bentuk eksperiment dengan menggunakan desain satu grup pretest dan posttest design. Peneliti menemukan bahwa authentic materialsdapat digunakan dalam pengajaran menulis, terutama dalam pengajaran menulis teks prosedur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai rata-rata siswa meningkat dari 60.48 menjadi 78.17. Peneliti menyarankan kepada guru bahasa Inggris untuk menggunakan authentic material sebagai media dalam pengajaran menulis prosedur teks karena itu dapat membuat siswa lebih tertarik dalam proses dan aktivitas pembelajaran.
This research is aimed at investigating whether the use of authentic material can improve students’ procedure writing achievement in SMAN 8 Bandar Lampung. This research was conducted in one class and applied pre-experimental design that was one group pretest and posttest design. The researcher found that authentic material can be used in teaching writing, especially in teaching procedure text writing. The result showed that students’ mean score improves from 60.48 up to 78.17. The researcher suggests the English teachers to use authentic material as the media in teaching procedure text writing because it can make students more interested in the teaching and learning activity.
Key words: authentic materials, procedure text, teaching writing
Crawford (2002) states that the use of existing materials has been considered to have some weaknesses. Authentic material does not present the real language models in real context, it alsoreduces teachers role in classroom from the classroom managers to the teachers who rely on other people’s ideas (Crawford, 2002). In addition, it does accommodate local materials and brings about local culture.
Martinez (2002) and Jacobson et al (2003) mention that the existing materials have burdened students and teachers due to the difficult vocabularies covered and the preparation could be time consuming. They rarely offer real language examples used in real life context (Jacobson et al,2003). At the meantime, authentic materials support EFL learning environment in which exposure to the target language is needed as in the first language acquisition (Krashen, 1986). Furthermore, authentic material can make the students feel interested with the topic given by the teacher(Jacobson et al, 2003).
The researcher conducted four meetings. In the first meeting the researcher gave pretest to see the basic writing skill of the students. And in the second and third meeting, the researcher gave treatments by using authentic material. In the last meeting the researcher gave posttest to find out the improvement in students’ procedure text writing by using authentic material.
The statistical computation using independent t-test showed that there was improvement of students’ procedure writing achievement. We could see that from the mean in pretest was 60.48 up to 78.17 in posttest. The improvement was 17.69.
At the beginning of this research, the researcher conducted the pretest as the first activity. It was administered to find out students’ achievement in procedure text writing. During the time on which the researcher administered the pretest, the researcher could know that most of students were really confused to start writing and they took longer time to finish their writing for more than 60 minutes.
When doing the pretest most of the students were really busy by asking each other about what should they wrote and some students rather frequently asked the researcher to help them instead. This implies that they had difficulty in writing and had a problem in developing the idea.
Referring to the discussion of the research findings on the previous chapter, the researcher comes to the following conclusions. The purpose of this research is to find out whether authentic material can improve students’ writing achievement especially in writing procedure text. Based on the research, it was concluded that:
Authentic materials may benefit for both teachers and students. They inspire teachers to improve their skills in developing materials and activities for their students. They attract students’ attention and drive their motivation in learning activity. Furthermore, they help teacher create pleasant learning environment which also deals with students’ motivation.
And the researcher also gives suggestion for other researchers as follows:
The researcher used authentic material to improve students’ procedure text writing achievement in senior high school. Further researchers can use authentic material for other kinds of text writing and for different levels of students.
Brown, H. Doughlas. 2001. Teaching by principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman.
Canning, W. 2001. Visual and Language Learning: Is There a Connection? The weekly Column Article 48 [online] Available at: www.eltnewsletter.com/back/feb2001/art.htmtheweeklycolumn.
Crawford, J. 2002. The role of Materials in the Language Classroom: Finding the Balance. In Richards, C and Renandya, W. (Eds). Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice.
Hatch, E. and Farhady, H. 1982. Research Design and Statistical
Walaupun contoh jurnal diatas dipotong tiap bagiannnya namun mewakili mekanisme pembuatan jurnal, strukturnya, serta penjelasan isi jurnal di tiap bagiannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan menginspirasi.

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