Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

Collection Of The Most Beautiful Mosques in North Sumatera

Built by Sultan Iskandar Muda in the 17th century, its elegance is no less than the Taj Mahal in India. It is said that the 5 domes did adopt the style of Islamic buildings that were once glorious in the place. Go deeper, it seems clear that the vines and ornament carvings of the mosque did not come from local inspiration. The recesses are closer to the Turkish or Persian style, while the large windows look like the Dutch Indisch buildings. Anyone would agree that this mosque is magnificent not only in terms of architecture. In late 2004, when the tsunami hit Aceh, the mosque's building protected many lives. The mosque is also a silent witness to the Aceh War that killed Major General JHR Kohler in 1873. His monument can be seen in the northeast section of the mosque's current courtyard.
The walls of the mosque are white with bluish green ornaments look cool among the dense traffic Simpang Raya, Medan. From the front it is clear that the domes are not round like onions. Is an octagonal just like the outer sides of the walls of the mosque.These aspects are reinforced by corridors separating the main room used for prayer.Corridor wall ornaments and ceiling ornaments and main building laden Mughol-Indian brick red color. Built on the initiative of the Deli Sultan in the early 20th century, the architect of this mosque was a Dutchman, with a major funder of Chinese businessmen.
The onion-shaped domes are more common in mosque buildings in northern Sumatra.In New Week, besides the round shape of onion, the dome form looks luxurious with the details of green, blue and yellow ornaments on the surface. Dome style dome resembling Kremlin Palace in Russia is actually often found in modern mosques in the land of Malay. On the other hand, the walls of the cubism-shaped mosque with small crevices on its surface present a very thick Middle Eastern feel. As a modern mosque building equipped with escalators to the top floor of the building, the mosque complex is integrated with the schools and campuses that are in the vicinity.
Extensive, sturdy, and simple! Such was the impression that was captured upon entering the largest mosque yard in Bengkulu Province. Large columns and windows, high ceilings with a touch of white paint give a strong impression on this mosque.Interior ornaments are not detailed, it looks big. The shadows from the large windows bounced off the marble floor of the mosque. Gives a broad but cool feel. The main dome is round, riding on a three-tiered roof that is the inspiration of local buildings.Although established in 1988, the beginning of this building was established since the Dutch Company.
At first glance this building is one mosque without domes located in Sumatra. The roof is in a three-tiered pyramid, resembling a mosque building in Java. However, the red and gold roofing ornaments and the ornament carvings present a Chinese architectural impression. Do not stop there, the minaret also looks very similar to the pagoda building. Another outside on the inside. The interior decoration of the mosque is filled with green calligraphy and other vibrant colors that are often encountered in typical Palembang lacquer crafts. Although it has undergone refurbishment many times, the element of Chinese architecture is said to have existed since the first building of this mosque was founded by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin in the 18th century.
The mosque is practically no walled! The only partition is the western side of the mihrab part or the place of the prayer priests made of gebyog - carved wood. Itupun not fully reach the top of the pillar. This means only three-quarters of the walls are covered with bulkhead. Then the other 3 sides are filled with poles of various shapes.Not just a row of poles. The composition of the pole layered with a variety of shapes and materials. It is no exaggeration to call the building a "Masjid 1000 Tiang", beating the popularity of its original name: Al Falah Mosque. Initially, the land where the mosque is located is the location of Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin's palace . At the beginning of the 20th century the Dutch scorched the palace ground and made the land above it a military camp. Persisting until the 1970s, the former army dormitory was made a mosque that stands majestic to this day.
Although not located in the Provincial Capital like the previous 6 mosques, the grand mosque in the city of Kerinci has uniqueness unmatched. The entire building is believed to be unrelated to a stake. Naturally, when viewed from a certain angle the shape is not so symmetrical. The walls up to the roof of the mosque are made of wood. The ornaments are greatly carved with the strikingly bright colors of the original local area.The carvings and colors can be seen on the roof or the edge of the traditional Jambi boat. At the top, the roof overlaps three typical buildings of the native mosque. The mosque that was born at the end of the 19th century was founded by local people with the inspiration of local origin.

Tips on Seeing Character People From Facet Faces

For centuries, humans are trying to understand a person's character seen from his face. The Chinese believe that the face is a reflection of the personality. Elements in the face such as eyes, nose, face shape, to wrinkles have a certain meaning that can reflect personality.
Face shape
Spherical: People who have a round face tend to have an emotional, sensitive, and caring personality. Usually, men who have a round face have a very strong sexual fantasies and comfortable in go through a stable and long-term relationship.
Oval: Oval shape tends to be more practical, systematic and hardworking. You who have oval facial shapes also tend to have athletic physical that tends to create personal narcissism that can damage relationships.
Boxes: People with boxy faces tend to be aggressive, ambitious, and dominant. You also have sharp thinking, expert analysis, and critical.
Triangle: This kind of face is usually owned by a thin body and has the ability persuasion. This form of face is also commonly owned by Chinese people who have a creative person and sensitive but also temperamental.
The wide forehead signifies an intelligence and practicality and an idealistic personality but never dead creativity. If you have a flat forehead, this indicates someone who is pragmatic, logical, and who always relies on facts and data. If you have a very wide forehead this signifies that you are a dreamer and someone who needs a strategic action plan to fulfill his considerable ambition.
How to detect someone is lying? Based on research conducted by Richard Bandler in Neuro Linguistic Programming which explains that someone's gaze while talking can indicate what he thinks. If someone asks and they look to the right, this indicates they are thinking and using their creative brain by collecting all the visual aspects that exist. This indicates that they are lying. If they look to the left, this indicates they are using the memory in the brain and will most likely tell the truth.
The eye shape is also very influential. If you have big eyes tend to be more tolerant and open-minded. While those with narrow eyes indicate the person is narrow-minded.
The ideal nose is sharp, straight, and full. The expanding nose indicates a warm and empathetic personality with all around him. This type also usually provides a fairly high standard in his life and has good behavior. For large nose sizes tend to be violent.The bigger the person's nose, the more violent the tendency to act. If you have a pug nose, this shows you as an independent and resilient person, though sometimes going up and down in a relationship of romance or with a friendship relationship with others.
Mouth associated with communication and sensuality that can be seen from the shape of the lips. If the upper lip is thin and the bottom lip is thick, it indicates a person who can not reciprocate in a relationship. If on the contrary, the shape of the mouth actually indicates someone who is too compassionate. If you have thick lips on the top and bottom, showing a loving and sensitive nature. While a small mouth indicates a cruel and selfish nature.

Wrinkles around the eyes show a line of happiness. This shows a sign of open-heartedness to everyone. Vertical lines present in the eyes show a logical, hard-working, and also critical. Wrinkles around the nose to the mouth is the goal line of life. People who have this wrinkle line have the right direction of life.
Any part of our face can indeed radiate a certain personality because everything moves to show a certain expression as well. And of course they all have different meanings, but you may believe that you can not trust this interpretation because the interpretation can only be judged by each individual and the interpretation of one's character can not be seen only from face mimic, but the gesture of the body and daily life.

Steps to Formulate RPP

Arrange the Basics

  1. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 1
    Know the destination. At the beginning of each lesson, write down your lesson objectives at the top. This goal should be very simple. For example, "Students will be able to recognize the body structure of various animals used to eat, breathe, move, and thrive." In essence, that's what your students can do once you've taught them! If you want to do extra things, add how they can do this (via video, games, picture cards, and more).
    • If you teach a small number of students, you can target more basic goals, such as, "Improve your reading or writing skills." Goals can be based on expertise or concepts. For more detailed information, look for articles on wikiHow on how to set educational goals.
  2. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 2
    Write an overview. Use a very common explanation to describe the main thoughts for the lesson. For example, if your lesson is about Shakespeare's Hamlet , then your overview might mention among other things in the Shakespearean era that the story of Hamlet is located; How factual the history is depicted; And how the theme of the desires and curiosities raised in the play with contemporary events.
    • This overview depends on the length of time lessons are available. We'll cover about half a dozen basic steps for any lesson, all of which should be included in the overview you make. But if you want you can make more.
  3. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 3
    Plan time allocation for teaching. If there are many things to be learned in a limited time, divide your RPP into sections that you can accelerate or slow to adjust to the changes. We will use an hour-long class as an example.
    • Hours 13: 00-13: 10: Warming up . Prepare the students to focus and summarize the previous day's discussion of the great tragedies; Connect with the story of Hamlet .
    • Jam 13: 10-13: 25: Present the information . Discuss Shakespeare's history briefly by focusing on his creative times two years before and after Hamlet .
    • Jam 13: 25-13: 40: Practice with guidance . Discuss in the class the main themes in the story.
    • Jam 13: 40-13: 55: A more free practice . The students write a paragraph explaining the present events in Shakespeare's terms. Invite bright students to write two paragraphs, and guide the slower students.
    • Jam 13: 55-14.00: Closing . Collect paper assignments, give homework (PR), and dissolve the class.
  4. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 4
    Get to know the students. Get familiar with the students you will be educating. What is their learning style (by sight, hearing, touch, or combination)? What might they know, and in which part do they understand less? Center your RPP so that it is generally appropriate to the group of students you are studying, then make changes as needed by taking into account students with certain deficiencies, troubled or unmotivated students, and students with more ability.
    • It is possible that you will teach a group of extroverts and introverts . Some students are more able to learn alone, while others progress by leaps and bounds when learning in pairs or in groups. Knowing this will help you design activities with various interaction options.
    • You may also have some students who know as much as you know about the topic and some students who, though clever, are staring at you as if you're speaking in another planetary language. If you know your kids, then you will know how to pair and separate them.
  5. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 5
    Use different patterns of student interaction. Some students learn well alone, others can learn well in pairs, and some can learn well when in large groups. As long as you let them interact and help each other, then you have done a good job. But, as each student is unique, try to provide opportunities for all kinds of interactions. The students (and class cohesiveness) will get better!
    • Actually every activity can be made to be done separately, in pairs, or in groups. If you have any ideas planned, see if you can change and integrate the different types of interactions. Usually this is quite easy to do.
  6. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 6
    Face a variety of learning styles. You certainly have students who can not sit quietly even just to watch a 25 minute video and other students who do not want to read a two-page quote from a book. Both students are not more stupid than other students, so be kind to change your activities in order to take advantage of the ability of each student.
    • Each student learns in a different way. Some need to see the information, some need to hear the information, and others need to touch it (literally). If you have spoken at length, stop and let them talk about it. If they have read, do physical teaching activities to apply their knowledge. They also will not be bored!

Planning Stages of Learning

  1. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 7
    Warm up. At the beginning of each lesson, the students' brains are still not ready to accept the content of the lesson. If anyone starts to explain about heart surgery surgery, chances are you'll behave, "Uh, uh, wait a minute, slowly. Go back to the "take the scalpel" stage. "Calm them down so that it's not warm, not just measuring their knowledge, but also preparing them for learning.
    • Warming can be a simple game (may include words or terms on the topic) to see how far their current knowledge (or what they remember from last week's lessons).Warming may also be questions, conversations (by exploring the classroom and communicating with other students), or using the images used to begin the conversation. Whatever warm-up you do, make sure they talk. Make them think about the subject matter (even if you have not already said it).
  2. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 8
    Present the information. This part is certainly clear. Whatever way you use to deliver it, you must do so by presenting the information. This information can be video, song, writing, or even a concept. This information is the most central part of the lesson. Without information, students will not gain any knowledge.
    • Depending on the level of the students, you may have to explain the very basic things. Determine how far away your lesson should be to retreat so that students are able to follow what you are saying. For example, the phrase, "He put a coat on a shelf," would not be understood if students did not understand what "coats" and "shelves" meant. Explain their basic concepts and let the next lesson (or next lesson) develop it.
    • It might be useful to tell students exactly what they will learn. In other words, explain the purpose of the lesson . You have to explain it as clearly as possible!Thus, they will know what they learned that day. Do not let any misunderstandings!
  3. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 9
    Perform guided practice. Now that the students have received the information, you should think about what activities can be done to apply that knowledge. However, since the information is new to them, start with easy activities. Use spreadsheets, matching, or using pictures. You will not be able to do more difficult if you can not do something easier!
    • If you have time for two activities, better still. It is a good thing to test their knowledge on two different levels. For example, writing and speaking (two very different skills). Try incorporating different activities for students with different talents.
  4. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 10
    Check the student's work and assess student progress. After guided practice, assess your students. Do they understand what you are saying so far? If yes, it means a good sign. You can continue your studies, maybe add more difficult things or practice more difficult skills. But, if the students do not understand what you are saying, go back to the lesson. How else do you present the lesson for students to understand?
    • If you have been teaching the same group for some time, chances are you know the students who are having trouble with certain concepts. If this is the case, pair the student with a smarter student so that all students can continue their studies together. Surely you do not want certain students to be left behind, but you also do not want the whole student lessons to be delayed because they have to wait for each student to reach the same level of knowledge.
  5. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 11
    Perform a more free practice. Once students have a knowledge base, let them train their own knowledge. Not that you left the classroom! But it means they are doing more creative endeavors that make their minds understand the information you have already told them. How do you get their minds well developed?
    • It all depends on the subject matter and the skills you want to use. This can be anything, from the task of making easy workshops with a duration of twenty minutes to two weeks of work with difficult topics of knowledge.
  6. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 12
    Allow time for questions. If you are teaching and have enough free time to cover all the subject matter, give them about ten minutes at the end of the lesson to receive questions from students. This can start as a discussion and turn into questions that are more directed to the content of the lesson. Or, it can be just another time for clarification.Both will benefit your students.
    • If you have a group of children who are reluctant to ask, make them a group. Give a topic to discuss for five minutes. Then, turn their attention to the front of the class and lead the group discussion. There will be some interesting things that come up!
  7. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 13
    End the lesson with cover. The lesson is like a conversation. If you stop it all of a sudden, it will feel as if it just hanged. It's not bad, but it feels weird and stuck. So, when it's time, give a summary as a cover. Show them that they have learned something!
    • Take five minutes to repeat the concept of the day's lesson. Ask questions that relate to their concept (instead of providing new information) to repeat what has been done and learned that day. It's kind of a repetition, which marks the end of your assignment!

Preparing myself

  1. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 14
    If you are nervous, write it down. New teachers sometimes feel more calm when writing lessons that they teach. While this may take more time than it should, if it helps you, do it. Writing lessons can ease your nerves if you know exactly which questions you want to ask and where you want to direct the conversation.
    • As you teach, subtract this little by little. In the end, you will be able to teach without notes. You should not take more time to plan and write than time to teach!Use this note only as an initial training tool.
  2. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 15
    Provide extra time. You have written your time allocation down to every minute, right? Nice. But realize it is only a reference. You should not say, "Children! It's already 13:15! Stop whatever you're doing. "That's not the correct way of teaching.Although you should try to follow the time allocation you have planned, you need to allow additional time.
    • If you are experiencing lengthy lesson time than predetermined, know what subject matter can and can not be eliminated. What should you teach your children to get as much knowledge as possible? Is the subject matter not so important and just to take the time? Conversely, if you have plenty of free time, prepare other activities that can be done when needed.
  3. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 16
    Design RPP carefully. Having a lot of things to do is a better problem than lack of things to do. Even if you've made time allocations, be prepared for the unexpected. If an activity takes twenty minutes, give it fifteen minutes. You will never know what your students can easily accomplish!
    • The easiest thing to do is to do a short game or brief discussion. Gather students and discuss their opinions or ask questions.
  4. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 17
    Make a replacement teacher understand the RPP you create. If something and other things resulted in you not being able to teach, of course you want to have a lesson that can be understood by a substitute teacher. The advantage of owning an RPP is, if you write it first and forget it, you are easier to remember a clear RPP.
    • There are many basic formats that you can find on the internet. Or, ask other teachers what format they use. If you continue to use the same format, it will be better for you. The more consistent, the better!
  5. Image titled Make a Lesson Plan Step 18
    Make a backup plan. In your teaching career, you will experience days where students will quickly complete the lesson you give and surprise you. On the other hand, you will also experience days in which the test schedule is advanced, only half of all classroom attendees, or DVD pieces containing the videos you have planned for your class are stuck inside the DVD player. When bad days like this arise, you must have a backup plan.
    • Most experienced teachers have a number of RPPs they are ready to use at all times. If you've successfully taught a subject matter, such as a Punnett diagram, keep that material. You can turn them into other learning materials for other classes, such as evolution, natural selection, or genetics, depending on the ability of the class. Or, you can just prepare material for a lesson about Agnez Monica emancipation of women, the progression of pop music, and others to class on Friday. Any.

Folklore about Hanging Stone

Once, in a rural village next to Lake Toba North Sumatera, there lived a husband and a wife with a beautiful daughter named Seruni. Not only was she beautiful, Seruni was also very diligent in helping her parents in the field. Every day this family worked in this field on the edge of Lake Toba, and the outcomes are used for their daily needs.

One day, Seruni went to the field alone, because his parents went to a neighboring village. Seruni was only accompanied by her beloved dog named Toki's. Arriving at the farm, she didn’t work but he just sat there looking at the natural beauty of Lake Toba as if she had solved a difficult problem. While the dog, the Toki, came sitting next to her, staring at her face as if he knew what Seruni thought. Once in a while the dog barked to distract Seruni, but she is not teased.

The last few days Seruni looked glum. He was very sad, because she was given in marriage by her parents with a young man who was his cousin. Though she had chosen his loved man and she had promised to live together with him. She was very confused. On the one hand she did not want to disappoint her parents, and she could not afford to part with her love. Because of being unable to bear the heavy burden, he was getting hopeless.

"Yes, Lord! I am not able to live with this burden, "complained the Seruni.

A few moments later, Seruni moved from his seat. With tears, she walked slowly toward the Lake Toba. Apparently she wanted to end his life by jumping into the lake's and the Toki, followed his master from behind while barking.

With a mind raging, Seruni walked toward the cliffs of Lake Toba without paying attention to the road in its path. Unexpectedly, she suddenly fell into a hole. The rocky ground that made the hole was getting dark. Seruni girl is very scared.

"Help.. Help.. Help.., Toki! "Seruni voice asking for help to her beloved dog.

The Toki understood  if Seruni required his help, but he could not do anything except just barking at the hole. Seruni screamed several times for help, but the Toki really could not afford helping her. Finally she was getting desperate.

"Ah, I'd rather die than live a long time to suffer," Seruni resigned.

Rock walls were moving ever closer.

"Parapat...! Parapat Parapat ... "ordered Seruni to press her body withthe stone

Being unable to help Seruni, Toki immediately ran home to ask for help.

Arriving at the master's house, he immediately went to Seruni parents.

"Auggg ...! auggg ...! auggg ... "Toki's barking while clawing at the ground to tell the parents that the Seruni in danger.

"Toki ..., where is Seruni? What happened to her? "Asked the father to the dog's Seruni.

"Auggg ...! auggg ...! auggg ...! "he continued barking and ran back and forth to invite them to a place.

"Sir, it looks like Seruni in danger," said the mother of Seruni.

"Mom was right. The Toki invites us to follow, "said the father of Seruni.

"But how do we get there? "Said the mother.

"You prepare a torch! I'll be looking for help to neighbors, "cried the father.

Soon, the whole neighborhood had gathered at the home page Seruni's father, carrying the torch. After that they followed the Toki to the scene. Once they were in the field, the Toki directly toward the mouth of the hole.

Both parents of Seruni immediately approached the mouth of the hole. What a surprise when they saw a hole big enough rock on the edge of their field. In the pit was heard the faint sound of a woman: "Parapat ...! Parapat Parapat stone ...! "

"Sir, listen to that voice! That voice is of our child! Seruni’s mother cried frantically.

"Yes, ma'am! That sounds Seruni! "Replied the father panic.

"But, why would he shout: Parapat, parapatlah stone?" Asked the mother.

"I do not know, mom! It seems like there's something wrong in there, "said the father anxiously.

A Farmer was trying to light up the hole with a torch, but the bottom of the hole was so deep that it can not be penetrated by torchlight.

"Seruniii ...! Seruniii ...! "Cried the father of Seruni.

"Seruni ... my daughter! The mother and father came to help you! "Her mother shouted.

Several times they yelled, but they did not get a response from Seruni. Only voice drifted Seruni who sent the stone closer to squeezing.

"Parapat ...! Parapatlah stone ...! Parapat! "

"Seruniiii ... my daughter!" Once again the mother screaming and crying hysterically Seruni.

People in attendance at the place were trying to help. One held ropes to the bottom of the hole, but the slap was not touched at all. Seruni's father increasingly concerned with the state of her father. He also decided to follow her foray into the rock pit.

"Mom, hold the torch!" Command of the father.

"Where do you want to go?" Asked the mother.

"I'm following the Seruni into the hole," he replied firmly.

"No dad, it's dangerous!" Prevent the mother.

"Yes sir, the hole was very deep and dark," said people

A moment later, suddenly heard a roar. The earth shook violently as if to an end. Rock hole suddenly closes itself. The cliffs at the edge of Lake Toba was falling. Seruni's father and mother and all the people ran thither to escape. They left the mouth of the hole the rock, so that poor Seruni could not be rescued from the crush of rock.

Some time after the earthquake stopped, suddenly appeared a large rock that resembles a girl's body and as if hanging on the wall of the cliff at the edge of Lake Toba. Local people believe that the stone is the embodiment Seruni oppressed in the hole. By those stones were then given the name "Hanging Rock". (BATU GANTUNG)

A few days later, fame spread the word about the events that befall her. The people flocked to the scene to see the "Hanging Rock" is. Residents who witnessed the incident told other people that before the hole was closed, a voice: "... Parapat Parapat parapat stone ...!"
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