Jumat, 23 Juni 2017

How To Learn To Drive Good For A novice

Tips & Tricks to Learn Driving a Car

Driving techniques - Good car driving skills in this sophisticated era is really needed by anyone. So no wonder if the price of a steering wheel car is not a major problem for those who want to be able to drive fast. Not being able to buy it is not an appropriate argument to not at all know how to drive a manual or matic car. Because this skill is widely required as a job profession, eg taxi drivers, private vehicles to the company's driver, and much more. 

Kopling, rem dan gas, teknik menyetir mobil: cara mengemudi mobil manual di tanjakan, cara memindahkan gigi mobil, cara menyetir mobil matic, cara menyetir mobil avanza, cara mengemudi mobil di tikungan, cara mengoper gigi mobil, video cara menyetir mobil manual, cara mengemudi mobil bagi pemula
Clutch, brake and gas
And for those who are looking for a job, the ability to drive a car is a plus. Especially if attaching certificates driving course. Because every company now has its own car for daily activities, or a security guard, for now more in search that can drive, and many more examples of work that gives more value. 

Even though it looks pretty trivial and even easy, the car driver is the leader in the vehicle, he is responsible for the lives as well as the safety of all passengers in it. And since the driving skills are now more and more needed along with the era of advanced technology, Teknovanza here is trying to write a general technique of how to study a good car for beginners. 

How To Learn Driving A Good Car Based On My Experience

belajar mengemudi mobil manual: cara mengendarai mobil manual di belokan, cara mengemudi mobil manual di tanjakan, belajar menyetir mobil secara otodidak, video cara menyetir mobil manual, cara mengoper gigi mobil manual, belajar setir mobil tanpa kursus, video cara mengemudi mobil manual bagi pemula, cara menyetir mobil avanza
The first step in learning to drive a good car for beginners is to begin with the theory and proceed with the practice of holding the wheel while learning about the basics of driving. 

  • Gas: Certainly its function is to accelerate or slow down the pace of the vehicle.
  • Brakes: Used to slow or stop the car
  • Clutch: As a prerequisite for shifting gears and prerequisites to stop. In addition to these two things, by removing the clutch is also a prerequisite for the car to start the road when the driver stepped on the gas pedal. But if it does not fit it will be nyendal or jump also not die machine.

Dead Machines While Driving

While the two possibilities that cause the engine to die while you learn to drive, ie 
Start just remove the clutch and forget the gas just take off the clutch alone and the Stop forgot clutch press (feet lifted from the lever, but lifted slowly but still stuck). 

Car Gears

We take the example of learning to drive a manual car. Usually th manual vehicle. 90's have 5 speed, that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and R or backward. Green is a neutral position. 

How to hold the steering wheel

Cara memegang Setir mobil yang baik dan benar

How to hold the steering wheel is good and right

How to hold the steering wheel is the end of a lump-shaped lever is not gripped, but is held using two vertices under the index finger and the middle and flanked by the other fingers on the right left without pressure and pull "Relax". 

How to hold the gear lever and move the teeth (gears)

Cara pegang tuas persneling serta memindahkan gigi (persneling)

Gear lever

As you move the feel and the sound, when it sounds "clamp" meaningful match. When driving we should be able to do it with a reflex "memorize the position and move position" Because when driving should not glance at the lever or other panels including gas or atopun brake to operate the car. The driver should continue to focus on adjusting the distance of the car on the right and left and front. 

Start Driving Practice

First look for a neutral position from the jumper until the car does not jump. Next understand and learn first how to start, stop and pass. 

Belajar Mengemudi Mobil Yang Baik Bagi Pemula
Learn To Drive A Good Car For Beginners
To start start Turn the machine on, clutch the clutch and insert into the gear 1 keep stepping on the clutch, the right foot squeezes the gas until the engine sound increases. Slowly clutch on the loose without raising the gas, you will begin to feel the car starting the road. If the car is running stable please remove the clutch and add gas. 

How to pass the gear

How to pass in principle the same way with the start earlier, But the difference is in the shift, the clutch is pressed, the gear lever is moved then the clutch is not lifted slowly but quickly as the gas. 

How To Stop

How to stop the car while learning is to squeeze the clutch, release gas and right foot slide above the brake pedal and slowly stepped on to set the brake so that the vehicle is more slow to position as desired. But Remember to not squeeze the brake pedal tight and sudden, risky! Not only can it cause an incident to occupy ... our backside: D or at least it will be spin. 

There are two main principles to keep in mind, to drive safely: that is to drive properly (not braking suddenly, keep on track, give a signal before turns, braking and speed composition, etc.) and the second Ngalah! Even though we are on the right track, but if you want to just succumb to it .. 

Tips before Learning Driving

When learning to drive a car must understand the distance manjaga step to precede and avoid the collision. Learn how to set the vehicle speed well, how to slow down and speed up. The reviews are in driving tips . Understand also smoothen the system of roads, stops, and set the direction of vehicle speed. 

How to learn to drive a good car, in theory easy, the main thing for road safety is the ability to see.Can predict with certainty the distance and road that we can pass, including wide road to pass. If we drive the car then that needs to be noticed that the view is straight forward with the percentage of left side road view is 60% and 40% right side. 

Remember on the left is where we are there and generally on the left road there are parking vehicles, tricycles, pedestrians and other vehicles. Know and feel how the speed of the car, whether straight, oblique or turn and position from the edge whether straight, the distance too close or too far direction leads to vehicles / other objects in front with other words potential nabrak. 

And most importantly in learning to drive a good car and true is to make sure to always pray according to religion and belief respectively before the start. 

Getting Started:

Before you start learning to drive, it's best if you prepare many of the main things below: 

A strong will

Remember everything depends on its purpose, it's best if you straighten the will first before starting. 


It is up to you to get the main one to meet the criteria such as: not just stolen cars, it is recommended to use a car that still use the clutch means (manual), it is also advisable to determine a car that has a large size such as deer, panther, or the like. 


Remember!! The person must be the one who has been able to drive, do not specify the person who are both learning. 

The first day

Start the first day by reading Basmallah. On the first day of this work is to understand the basic control of each feature of the existing car dashboard. Each car is different, but at least you have to know how to turn the engine on and off, step on the lights and the hazards, use the headlights and the remote lights, move the wipers to handle the rain, and so on 

When you understand, it's time to learn the basic provisions of driving. There are some basic provisions but at least the minimum must understand the use of the left and right lane, the norm in the precede, and the meaning of road signs that exist. 

The achievement of this first day that you must have mastered the whole theory about the two things above. 

Time to jump into the field, yup really to the field. Look for a field around your home complex to practice forward and backward. That is to get used to playing with clutch. Make sure you have been able to move the car smoothly without the vibration of the finished machine (especially if the machine is always on and off). If you have, please get out of the field and start moving your car on the street of the house complex. Perform yourself by performing the rate transfer many times (mutually gear aim). Also train your eyes to look back by using the rearview mirror. It is really advisable to define a straight and flat track on this 2nd day. 

Today the menu remains the same as the day at the beginning, except that today you switch tracks from straight to more choppy. Ok, as soon as you look for the tricky tracks in your residential compound. Do not underestimate the technique of turns, because although simple this technique is quite difficult to implement with prime. Who needs to be noticed when the turn is do not have time to take the road of other drivers. Just over the info, turn right is harder than the left turn because it can almost be sure you will cut the other driver's way. 

Now is the time to climb, look up the incline around the complex of your house, then practice there.There are two techniques in the world of driving, first use the hand brake, and the second to wear clutch game art. Today is the day you learn to master the 2 techniques. Work on some kind of steep climbs and make uphill variations by forward and backward. Remember!! Attention also the temperature of your car engine, because in essence the benefits of clutch is to protect your machine does not die and play the clutch as well as playing your car engine to climb down its ability. Characteristics of the car engine has been hot smoke that is visible from the hood. 

One of the tricks that really need to be studied is how to keep the car steady and steady when not on the hill without foot brake or hand brake. This kind of thing can only be done with a combination of gas and a suitable clutch. Practicing practicing and practicing, just one step to be proficient in this technique. 

Have you mastered the uphill path ?? Time to learn to park the car. Yep, the technique is quite difficult, almost the same level of difficulty with uphill or can also be more difficult for specific circumstances. First diligent parking backward like when parking the car in public parking, working from the left and right. After that diligent horizontal parking techniques. Parking techniques are commonly used when we face a parallel parking lot. This parallel parking is an amazing challenge difficult for beginners. I had time to park and use 30 minutes to be able to park properly. Hehe ... If you have, continue with the combined park and climb, ie by trying to park on a hill. Today's achievement is that you have mastered various types of parking techniques for various types of common parking problems. 

Time to go down the road !! Yup, try to get out of your house complex. Now try to make a great way in your city for the track. Use all the powers you have worked out in the day at first to conquer the city streets. Hehe ... Oiya, do not forget diligent also step the contents of the correct gasoline.Generally beginners do not understand the step open the lid of the gas tank. Hehe .. Had the incident I did not know the position of the car tank opener because borrowed cars Lecturer, fortunately can successfully withstand embarrassment and ask for help POM gasoline officers) 

Time to go around town or study the country! To be honest there is nothing to teach in speeding (moving the vehicle at speeds over 60 km / h) because it is indeed a natural force that must be seen by itself in the group of some professional drivers. Especially those who remain young and just learning, would want to feel feels a bit speeding .. Hehe ... Just look at the state of the vehicle and the circumstances surrounding the vehicle before when stagger your car with high speed.The toll road is the right place to implement this one technique. WARNING: this guidance warning can only be done if you really believe you can set the car and make sure you comply with the applicable provisions, eg optimal speed not more than 100 km / hour. Possibly fatal like a child artist event in th. 2014 can take place anyone. 

Driving Learning Theory For Beginners

Sebelum anda memulainya mari kita pahami lagi Teori belajar mengemudi bagi pemula, (mobil dalam situasi off atau mesin dimatikan serta berhenti). Spesial untuk mobil Manual.
Before you start let's understand again Theory of learning to drive for beginners , (car in the off situation or the engine is turned off and stopped). Special for Manual cars. 

1. The car in the off engine situation is not alive, look at and diligent some instrument or component names in the front cabin area as well as on the dashboard with the best. 

For example, Brake pedal, gas pedal, clutch pedal, percenteleng, Handbrake, handlebar for rear windscreen wiper, rearview mirror, stick for dimmer, close light, right and left sennent light, horn button, seat belt and some Another control panel on the dashboard. 

2. For manual gear gear, first shuffle the gear shift scheme to memorize outside the head with the practice of shifting from one tooth, reversing teeth and teeth after that until the very end. 

Generally there is a symbol of letters and numbers, for example the number O (0) or N (normal) for the gear in the normal position, Number 1 s. D 5 or depending on the type of car and hurup R (for the Road Backward). 

Then the exercise reaches the gas pedal, exchanging with the brake pedal and clutch pedal, remember the machine in dead situation, off the road or the car stopped. 

Terussaja practice until you are adept at shifting the gears and reach the whole pedal with no turn to the tool, train and do your eyes continue to go forward and to the left right rearview mirror. 

3. After memorized and enough to operate the minimum move the shift stick, reach the brake pedal, gas and clutch. Then the move has started to start the engine. 

The move starts by starting the Car Engine and starting the Road.

1. Make sure Hand brake is fixed in the situation attached, usually characterized brake stick pulled up or pulled back or other position according to the same type of car. 

2. Input gears in the tooth Normal or common no letters O (empty), or P (parking) and or hurup N (normal), stepping on the brake pedal as necessary, then turn the engine slowly, calmly, regularly and steadily, eyes check all Side of the car, right front left rear view mirror and back direction then finish with straight eye view to see street. 

3. After the engine life let it be about ten seconds the car's engine is alive if it has been preheated, but if it has not been heated let the engine warm about 5 minutes. 

Then, step on the clutch pedal (left foot) slowly sank down, right foot fixed on the pedal Engine brakes in position langsam, gear stick input to the first gear, (note this step should always be done for life, if you want to start the road, Must always start with the first gear.), Then slowly step on the gas (the right foot sliding from the Brake pedal to the Gas pedal with feelings and feelings (do not look, eyes always forward to the road), start by reaching the gas pedal slowly Using feelings, exceeding a little langsam. 

After the gas is stepped on slowly, lift the clutch pedal (left foot) slowly .. remember slowly match with the feeling and full mind, feel the moment with the way the car will move forward, always hold the left foot (clutch ) Should not be removed slowly in accordance with the rate of the car starting to depart. The gas pedal starts on the stampede plus the depth. 

Then go slowly first, do not panic if there is an emergency in front of you, remember just step on the REM pedal and stomping Clutch.

Go slowly first patiently, do not be too fast ahead of study, the possibility of a car is very different from the possibility of a bike collision for example. If you want to tight really easy stay just step on the gas and put a high gear would be tight ,,, but that later in the race arena gan .. hehe. 

Be careful and alert. But continue to trust as long as according to the same "basic procedures" already learned in the beginning will also be successful. 

In front of the road, place your left hand in the 9th clock and the right hand at the 12 o'clock direction (for the steering wheel, or the left hand on the number 12 and the right hand in the 3rd clockwise when the left side of the car) Right / left silent in such gap seconds to keep watch if the car has advanced normally five or four mtr. In the future to be moved to second gear or as soon as possible. 

That need to be noticed at the time the car started forward. 
-The eyes of concentration in the future into the path that will pass 
-Gear gear gear must be in first gear. At the beginning start to depart. 
-When the car starts to move forward, just hold the clutch pedal first, lift it slowly according to the gas stamping and the car's speed. 
So that the car is not shaky .. upfront leaving, the key is the clutch held first, lifted slowly ...... and gas stepped slowly .....! 

And most of all! Do always pray according to religion and belief each before turn on car engine or want to leave.

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